

September 07, 2022
Statistics Canada has launched the Traffic Flow Dashboard as experimental statistical information on the traffic flow on selected road segments in the cities of Calgary and Toronto. This dashboard shows traffic count data that is obtained from traffic camera imagery using a computer vision-based system developed in the Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) at Statistics Canada. The system periodically extracts traffic flow images from the Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs) of municipal and provincial traffic camera programs. Vehicle detection was implemented using the open… more
July 05, 2022
The report Transportation in Canada 2021 provides an overview of the Canadian transportation sector and includes information on: the importance of the transportation sector to the economy the performance of the transportation system from a multimodal perspective major industry and regulatory developments related to freight, passengers, safety, security, and the environment for all modes of transportation This year, as is mandated every five years, Transport Canada is publishing a comprehensive version of the Transportation in Canada report to expand upon the traditional reporting and… more
May 18, 2022
Statistics Canada recently released new motor vehicle registration data for the fourth quarter of 2021 in the Daily. There were 1,646,609 new motor vehicles registered in 2021, increasing 6.5% from 2020. New registrations of multipurpose vehicles, such as sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and crossovers, increased 16.8% in 2021 from 2020, comprising over half (55.6%) of all new registrations. New registrations of passenger cars also increased (+1.2% in 2021), while those of pickup trucks (-6.5%) and vans (-13.9%) declined compared with … more
March 01, 2022
Statistics Canada's Frontier Counts program counts entries into Canada by international travellers at ports of entry by mode of transport, country of residence, type and origin of traveller, and trip duration, as well as counts of automobiles, trucks and other land vehicles entering Canada. This program has been modified with coverage increasing from a subset of 111 ports using an electronic system called the Integrated Primary Inspection Line (IPIL) to all land ports equipped with the IPIL system. As part of these modifications, new data tables are now available (List of tables) which… more
November 01, 2021
The Canadian Tourism Activity Tracker is an experimental data product designed to help support Canadians and businesses as they navigate through the uncharted waters of a global health crisis. As part of an effort to shift from measuring impacts of the pandemic to assessing the recovery, it provides an overall picture of the relative performance of tourism-related activity in Canada over time. The Tracker combines data from numerous sources including counts of international arrivals, aircraft movements and rail passengers as well as hotel occupancy rates, restaurant sales and reservation… more
June 01, 2021
The report Transportation in Canada 2020 gives an overview of the Canadian transportation sector and includes information on the importance of the transportation sector to the economy the performance of the transportation system from a multimodal perspective major industry and regulatory developments related to freight, passengers, safety, security and the environment for all modes of transportation The 2020 report also informs Canadians about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the transportation demand, challenges faced by the transportation system and different measures taken… more
April 15, 2021
This new data dashboard provides a convenient and interactive means of extracting and analyzing current and historical data from the Monthly Railway Carloadings Survey. What can you do with this tool? This interactive tool can be used to drill down into the data to reveal a wide range of insights about the railway industry, from the most recent survey estimates to historical results going back to 1999. On the main page, you can customize, visualize and display data in graphical and tabular form for all traffic types (e.g. inter-modal) and for different geography as well as units of… more
March 01, 2021
Starting with January 2021, Statistics Canada combined its leading indicators of non-resident visitors and Canadian residents returning from other countries by automobile and by air. Counts are based on two sources of administrative data from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), available within days after the reference month. The first source is counts of cross-border travel by automobile through 111 land ports equipped with the automated Integrated Primary Inspection Line (IPIL) system. These counts are a subset of United States (US) residents and returning Canadians entering Canada… more
January 15, 2021
Urban mobility refers to a person’s ability to move around the city where they live and work. Congestion on city ­roads reduces mobility, which is not only an individual inconvenience but also has an economic impact. While the amount of additional time spent in traffic, excess fuel consumed, and other costs of congestion may be large in Canada, the full impact is not known. Using key indicators to evaluate congestion, its cost, and its impact on the economy is the first step to understanding the magnitude of the problem. To that end, Transport Canada is now using a key mobility indicator -… more
November 15, 2020
The project report (available only in French) was published in August 2020. The project is an initiative of the Comité permanent sur la sécurité des bateaux de pêche du Québec. The study follows up on the findings of the Transportation Safety Board of Canada's review in 2012, and a 2017 Globe and Mail investigation that found that the fishing industry was the deadliest job sector in Canada. The study was divided in three sections: An analysis of accidents that involved fishing vessels in Quebec between 2005 and 2015; A cost analysis of the job-related and most common injuries in Quebec'… more