Transportation Data and Information Hub Carrefour de données et d'information sur les transports

The authoritative source of reliable Canadian transport data and information. Brought to you by Transport Canada, Statistics Canada and our partners. La source fiable de données et d'information sur les transports au Canada. Présenté par Transports Canada, Statistique Canada et nos partenaires.

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What you’ll find here

Line drawing of a commuter train

The Transportation Data and Information Hub (TDIH) is Canada’s authoritative single window for transportation data, reports, interactive maps, and more.

A collaborative space hosted by Transport Canada, you can expect reliable and timely information covering topics across the transportation sector.

Transportation Data and Information Hub

Explore key statistics related to traffic volume, safety, security, environmental impact, and more.

Use our Data Visualizations to explore Key Transportation Indicators covering air, marine, rail and road as well as trade information.


Transportation Data and Information Hub

We are excited to announce the release of the Transportation in Canada…
June 19, 2024
As of reference month January 2024, Statistics Canada is publishing a…
April 30, 2024
Statistics Canada recently started to publish more detail from the Monthly…
February 19, 2024

Contact us

Line drawing if a jet

Questions? Comments? Email us at for any inquiries relating to the Transportation Data and Information Hub.