Vehicles, trucks and drivers entering or returning to Canada

Statistics Canada's Frontier Counts program counts entries into Canada by international travellers at ports of entry by mode of transport, country of residence, type and origin of traveller, and trip duration, as well as counts of automobiles, trucks and other land vehicles entering Canada. This program has been modified with coverage increasing from a subset of 111 ports using an electronic system called the Integrated Primary Inspection Line (IPIL) to all land ports equipped with the IPIL system.

As part of these modifications, new data tables are now available (List of tables) which include detailed information on the number of vehicles and trucks entering Canada. Table 24-10-0058-01 provides access to daily counts of vehicles, by vehicle type and licence plate (Province or State) while table 24-10-0059-01 contains daily counts of trucks and drivers entering Canada, by licence plate (Province or State).

The table on trucks and drivers entering Canada is available by day of the week, by specific port of entry and by licence plate of the vehicle. For instance, on Wednesday January 12th there were 4,832 trucks that entered or returned to Canada in the Windsor area. On that same day, 2,874 trucks crossed into Canada at the Sarnia port of entry.

On Wednesday February 9th, blockade protesters at the Ambassador Bridge prevented trucks from entering or returning into Canada, with the total of trucks entering into Canada in the Windsor area dropping to just 2. On that same day, at the Sarnia port of entry, a total of 5,119 trucks entered into Canada, with many of these trucks having been re-routed from the Windsor area to the Sarnia port of entry.

Concepts, definitions, data sources and methods for the Frontier Counts program are available in the document entitled "Frontier Counts (FC)".

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