24100041 - International travellers entering or returning to Canada, by type of transport
StatCan dataset page: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=2410004101
24100041 - International travellers entering or returning to Canada, by type of transport
StatCan dataset page: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=2410004101
23100216 - Monthly railway car loadings
Statistics Canada dataset page: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=2310021601
Explore key statistics related to transportation of dangerous goods in Canada. These tables provide data on dangerous goods incidents by road, rail, marine and air transportation and at facilities. These data sets include new yearly data and a restatement of 2017 data as a result of a validation…
Starting with January 2021, Statistics Canada combined its leading indicators of non-resident visitors and Canadian residents returning from other countries by automobile and by air. Counts are based on two sources of administrative data from the Canada Border Services…
In January 2020 Statistics Canada was pleased to announce the availability of the new Freight Rail Services Price Index (FRSPI). This index is a series that provides monthly and quarterly estimates of price changes for the mainline freight rail industry in Canada…
There were 464 incidents involving dangerous goods—307 releases and 157 anticipated releases—that required a report to Transport Canada in 2018.
The information comes from the Dangerous Goods Accident Information System, which has been updated with 2018 data.…
Transport Canada's (TC) safety and security programs provide a broad range of activities including:
regulatory authorizations, by issuing certificates and licenses to people, organizations or for equipment compliance inspections and audits enforcement action…The Transportation Data and Information Hub now includes a New Motor Vehicle Registrations Data Visualization Tool. In response to the need for more information on the prevalence of electric vehicles in Canada, Statistics Canada has begun to release new motor vehicle…
Transport Canada's safety and security programs provide a broad range of activities. These include regulatory authorizations, such as the issuance of certificates and licenses to people, organizations or for equipment; compliance verifications through inspections and…
Canadian society and the Canadian economy are becoming increasingly data-driven. In response and as part of an effort to modernize, Statistics Canada has embarked on a journey to ensure that Canadians receive the data they need, when they need them. This journey…