Multimodal Safety and Security Programs Oversight Delivery Indicators, Transport Canada

Transport Canada's safety and security programs provide a broad range of activities. These include regulatory authorizations, such as the issuance of certificates and licenses to people, organizations or for equipment; compliance verifications through inspections and audits; and enforcement actions in response to non-compliance. They also include education and outreach activities targeting key stakeholders, such as regulatory bodies, as well as the general public.

Transport Canada monitors these oversight activities on a quarterly basis across all of its programs and administrative regions. Starting with fiscal year 2017/2018, the department is publishing data for regulatory authorizations, planned risk-based and reactive oversight activities—such as technical inspections and audits—as well as quality assurance and control activities. Other oversight activities will be added in the future.

Safety and security oversight transparency at Transport Canada

The goal of Transport Canada's Oversight Transparency Initiative is to give Canadians easy access to timely information on its safety and security programs. Sharing this information earns the public's trust and engages Canadians, while also helping them make decisions that support a safe and secure transportation system.

What's changing?

We're changing how we work and manage information to:

  • make information easy for all Canadians to find, read and use
  • change how we create, publish and store information.

What's new in this release?

The previously released table (Table 23-10-0268) containing oversight activity delivery indicators has recently been updated with data from the first quarter of 2018-2019 to the first quarter of 2019-2020. A new table (Table 23-10-0272) was recently created and launched, containing oversight staffing levels, from the first quarter of 2017-2018 to the first quarter of 2019-2020. With this information, Canadians have access to a program-by-program overview of Transport Canada's level of activity as part of our oversight mandate, as well as insight into the human resources invested in this mandate.

What are the next steps?

Over the next two years, we will be publishing more of Transport Canada's oversight information.

For more information, please contact Statistics Canada (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300;

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