Weekly rail performance indicators, Transport Canada

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Returning search results for term "propane".

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 2680 results.
Reference Date Car type Carrier Commodity Dwell time range Employee type Fleet status Geography Segment Distance (km) Measure Measure value Unit of Measure Status of value
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers online 914.1 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 48 hours but not more than 96 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 2.6 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 96 hours but not more than 168 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 0.0 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 168 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 0.0 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane 24 hours or more Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 12.7 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 24 hours but not more than 48 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 10.1 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 48 hours but not more than 96 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving En Route 13.3 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 96 hours but not more than 168 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving En Route 5.6 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane 24 hours or more Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving En Route 57.9 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 24 hours but not more than 48 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving En Route 37.4 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 168 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving En Route 1.6 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 96 hours but not more than 168 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Destination 4.0 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 168 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Destination 2.7 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 24 hours but not more than 48 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Destination 4.0 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane More than 48 hours but not more than 96 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Destination 3.4 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane 24 hours or more Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Destination 14.1 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 Average Dwell Time at Destination 16.9 Hours 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 Average Dwell Time at Origin - Car Count 1658.0 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 Average Dwell Time at Origin 20.6 Hours 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CN Petroleum products limited to propane Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 Average Dwell Time at Destination - Car Count 3112.0 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CPKC Petroleum products limited to propane Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers online 504.9 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CPKC Petroleum products limited to propane More than 168 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 0.0 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CPKC Petroleum products limited to propane 24 hours or more Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 51.7 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CPKC Petroleum products limited to propane More than 24 hours but not more than 48 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 17.4 Number 0 - Available
2024-07-15 Not Applicable CPKC Petroleum products limited to propane More than 48 hours but not more than 96 hours Not Applicable Not Applicable Canada 0.0 The Daily Average Number of Loaded Cars and Intermodal Containers Not Moving At Origin 24.7 Number 0 - Available


This data should be considered preliminary and may be subject to further changes or updates.

Click here for supplementary information on carrier methodologies and metadata.

Amendments to the Transportation Information Regulations came into force on April 4, 2023. The new regulations provide for additional geographic dimensions and a broader range of commodities to be reported as of 10 April 2023.

For access to historical content and performance data prior to 10 April 2023, please see the links below to the Statistics Canada Data Tables available on the Statistics Canada website.