Year | Type | Category | Value |
2006 | In-Transit | Road | 102 |
2006 | In-Transit | Rail | 4 |
2006 | In-Transit | Air | 7 |
2006 | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2006 | In-Transit | Subtotal | 113 |
2006 | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 272 |
2006 | Total | Total | 385 |
2007ᴿ | In-Transit | Road | 124 |
2007ᴿ | In-Transit | Rail | 9 |
2007ᴿ | In-Transit | Air | 8 |
2007ᴿ | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2007ᴿ | In-Transit | Subtotal | 141 |
2007ᴿ | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 284 |
2007ᴿ | Total | Total | 425 |
2008ᴿ | In-Transit | Road | 115 |
2008ᴿ | In-Transit | Rail | 7 |
2008ᴿ | In-Transit | Air | 4 |
2008ᴿ | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2008ᴿ | In-Transit | Subtotal | 126 |
2008ᴿ | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 310 |
2008ᴿ | Total | Total | 436 |
2009ᴿ | In-Transit | Road | 78 |
2009ᴿ | In-Transit | Rail | 5 |
2009ᴿ | In-Transit | Air | 0 |
2009ᴿ | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2009ᴿ | In-Transit | Subtotal | 83 |
2009ᴿ | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 243 |
2009ᴿ | Total | Total | 326 |
2010 | In-Transit | Road | 95 |
2010 | In-Transit | Rail | 5 |
2010 | In-Transit | Air | 1 |
2010 | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2010 | In-Transit | Subtotal | 101 |
2010 | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 203 |
2010 | Total | Total | 304 |
2011 | In-Transit | Road | 91 |
2011 | In-Transit | Rail | 3 |
2011 | In-Transit | Air | 2 |
2011 | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2011 | In-Transit | Subtotal | 96 |
2011 | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 249 |
2011 | Total | Total | 345 |
2012 | In-Transit | Road | 85 |
2012 | In-Transit | Rail | 2 |
2012 | In-Transit | Air | 1 |
2012 | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2012 | In-Transit | Subtotal | 88 |
2012 | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 313 |
2012 | Total | Total | 401 |
2013ᴿ | In-Transit | Road | 105 |
2013ᴿ | In-Transit | Rail | 8 |
2013ᴿ | In-Transit | Air | 5 |
2013ᴿ | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2013ᴿ | In-Transit | Subtotal | 118 |
2013ᴿ | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 278 |
2013ᴿ | Total | Total | 396 |
2014ᴿ | In-Transit | Road | 111 |
2014ᴿ | In-Transit | Rail | 6 |
2014ᴿ | In-Transit | Air | 3 |
2014ᴿ | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2014ᴿ | In-Transit | Subtotal | 120 |
2014ᴿ | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 265 |
2014ᴿ | Total | Total | 385 |
2015 | In-Transit | Road | 88 |
2015 | In-Transit | Rail | 10 |
2015 | In-Transit | Air | 3 |
2015 | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2015 | In-Transit | Subtotal | 101 |
2015 | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 233 |
2015 | Total | Total | 334 |
2016ᴿ | In-Transit | Road | 101 |
2016ᴿ | In-Transit | Rail | 5 |
2016ᴿ | In-Transit | Air | 5 |
2016ᴿ | In-Transit | Marine | 2 |
2016ᴿ | In-Transit | Subtotal | 113 |
2016ᴿ | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 187 |
2016ᴿ | Total | Total | 300 |
2006 - 2016 Average | In-Transit | Road | 99.5 |
2006 - 2016 Average | In-Transit | Rail | 5.8 |
2006 - 2016 Average | In-Transit | Air | 3.5 |
2006 - 2016 Average | In-Transit | Marine | 0 |
2006 - 2016 Average | In-Transit | Subtotal | 109.1 |
2006 - 2016 Average | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 257.9 |
2006 - 2016 Average | Total | Total | 367 |
2017ᴾ | In-Transit | Road | 257 |
2017ᴾ | In-Transit | Rail | 21 |
2017ᴾ | In-Transit | Air | 4 |
2017ᴾ | In-Transit | Marine | 4 |
2017ᴾ | In-Transit | Subtotal | 286 |
2017ᴾ | Not In-Transit | Not In-Transit | 143 |
2017ᴾ | Total | Total | 429 |
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Notes: R= Revised data. P= Preliminary data (2017 accident data are preliminary based on accidents reported to TDG). TDG= Transportation of Dangerous Goods. Thresholds for reporting dangerous goods accidents have changed based on amendments to Part 8 of the TDG Regulations, which came into force on December 1, 2016. Now releases and anticipated releases must satisfy at least one of six specific criteria before requiring '30 day follow-up report' completion to be considered a reportable accident. The TDG program does not cover dangerous goods transported in bulk on ships or by pipeline. TDG accidents can occur while dangerous goods are being transported, while they are handled, or during temporary storage pending transport. “In-transit” accidents include those that occur during actual transport. “Not-in-transit” accidents are those that take place at facilities where the goods are prepared for transport (handled prior to loading or unloading), unloaded or stored in the course of transport. Source: Transport Canada, Dangerous Goods Accident Information System