RA7-Traffic Received and Forwarded by Canadian-Based Class II Carriers1, 2013–2022

Report Section
Rail transportation
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(Millions of tonnes)
Year Type (Millions of tonnes)
2013 Received only 7.12
2013 Forwarded only 9.91
2013 Received and Forwarded 0.30
2014 Received only 7.11
2014 Forwarded only 11.19
2014 Received and Forwarded 0.15
2015 Received only 6.00
2015 Forwarded only 10.89
2015 Received and Forwarded 0.15
2016 Received only 5.60
2016 Forwarded only 10.08
2016 Received and Forwarded 0.14
2017 Received only 7.45
2017 Forwarded only 10.45
2017 Received and Forwarded 0.15
2018 Received only 8.37
2018 Forwarded only 11.37
2018 Received and Forwarded 0.31
2019 Received only 7.51
2019 Forwarded only 11.20
2019 Received and Forwarded 0.46
2020 Received only 7.02
2020 Forwarded only 10.33
2020 Received and Forwarded 0.44
2021 Received only 7.86
2021 Forwarded only 10.14
2021 Received and Forwarded 0.40
2022ᴾ Received only 8.17
2022ᴾ Forwarded only 10.51
2022ᴾ Received and Forwarded 0.40

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Notes: P = Preliminary data. 'Received only' applies to movements in which a Class II carrier was involved by only receiving from Canadian National (CN) or Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR). 'Forwarded only' applies to movements in which a Class II carrier was involved by only forwarding to CN or CPR. 'Received and Forwarded' applies to movements in which one or more Class II carriers received from and forwarded to CN and CPR. 1 Does not include US-based carriers operating in Canada. Sources: Transport Canada, Statistics Canada