Report Section
Year | End-Use Sector | (Kg of CO2e/GJ) |
2000 | Residential | 53.8 |
2001 | Residential | 55.9 |
2002 | Residential | 54.9 |
2003 | Residential | 55.7 |
2004 | Residential | 54.3 |
2005 | Residential | 53.1 |
2006 | Residential | 52.5 |
2007 | Residential | 52.6 |
2008 | Residential | 50.9 |
2009 | Residential | 48.7 |
2010 | Residential | 49.6 |
2011 | Residential | 47.0 |
2012 | Residential | 45.6 |
2013 | Residential | 44.5 |
2014 | Residential | 44.0 |
2015 | Residential | 44.8 |
2016 | Residential | 43.6 |
2017 | Residential | 43.3 |
2018 | Residential | 42.2 |
2019 | Residential | 41.7 |
2020 | Residential | 39.97839 |
2000 | Commercial/Institutional | 55.6 |
2001 | Commercial/Institutional | 57.5 |
2002 | Commercial/Institutional | 56.5 |
2003 | Commercial/Institutional | 57.6 |
2004 | Commercial/Institutional | 55.9 |
2005 | Commercial/Institutional | 54.5 |
2006 | Commercial/Institutional | 53.7 |
2007 | Commercial/Institutional | 54.1 |
2008 | Commercial/Institutional | 52.0 |
2009 | Commercial/Institutional | 49.5 |
2010 | Commercial/Institutional | 50.4 |
2011 | Commercial/Institutional | 47.8 |
2012 | Commercial/Institutional | 46.6 |
2013 | Commercial/Institutional | 45.7 |
2014 | Commercial/Institutional | 45.3 |
2015 | Commercial/Institutional | 46.0 |
2016 | Commercial/Institutional | 44.9 |
2017 | Commercial/Institutional | 44.5 |
2018 | Commercial/Institutional | 42.9 |
2019 | Commercial/Institutional | 42.9 |
2020 | Commercial/Institutional | 41.54427 |
2000 | Industrial | 50.6 |
2001 | Industrial | 52.5 |
2002 | Industrial | 50.7 |
2003 | Industrial | 51.7 |
2004 | Industrial | 50.0 |
2005 | Industrial | 49.8 |
2006 | Industrial | 50.0 |
2007 | Industrial | 50.9 |
2008 | Industrial | 50.4 |
2009 | Industrial | 49.1 |
2010 | Industrial | 50.6 |
2011 | Industrial | 49.7 |
2012 | Industrial | 49.0 |
2013 | Industrial | 47.7 |
2014 | Industrial | 47.1 |
2015 | Industrial | 48.0 |
2016 | Industrial | 48.3 |
2017 | Industrial | 48.2 |
2018 | Industrial | 47.9 |
2019 | Industrial | 48.1 |
2020 | Industrial | 47.07107 |
2000 | Transportation | 70.7 |
2001 | Transportation | 70.7 |
2002 | Transportation | 70.7 |
2003 | Transportation | 70.7 |
2004 | Transportation | 70.5 |
2005 | Transportation | 70.4 |
2006 | Transportation | 70.1 |
2007 | Transportation | 70.0 |
2008 | Transportation | 69.9 |
2009 | Transportation | 69.7 |
2010 | Transportation | 69.6 |
2011 | Transportation | 69.4 |
2012 | Transportation | 69.3 |
2013 | Transportation | 69.2 |
2014 | Transportation | 69.1 |
2015 | Transportation | 69.0 |
2016 | Transportation | 68.9 |
2017 | Transportation | 68.9 |
2018 | Transportation | 68.9 |
2019 | Transportation | 68.9 |
2020 | Transportation | 69.02687 |
2000 | Agriculture | 66.5 |
2001 | Agriculture | 67.3 |
2002 | Agriculture | 66.9 |
2003 | Agriculture | 67.3 |
2004 | Agriculture | 66.7 |
2005 | Agriculture | 66.4 |
2006 | Agriculture | 66.2 |
2007 | Agriculture | 66.4 |
2008 | Agriculture | 65.7 |
2009 | Agriculture | 64.0 |
2010 | Agriculture | 65.0 |
2011 | Agriculture | 64.0 |
2012 | Agriculture | 63.2 |
2013 | Agriculture | 63.0 |
2014 | Agriculture | 63.3 |
2015 | Agriculture | 63.6 |
2016 | Agriculture | 63.6 |
2017 | Agriculture | 63.7 |
2018 | Agriculture | 63.2 |
2019 | Agriculture | 62.6 |
2020 | Agriculture | 62.06645 |
2000 | Canada Average | 57.9 |
2001 | Canada Average | 59.4 |
2002 | Canada Average | 58.3 |
2003 | Canada Average | 59.0 |
2004 | Canada Average | 57.8 |
2005 | Canada Average | 57.4 |
2006 | Canada Average | 57.2 |
2007 | Canada Average | 57.6 |
2008 | Canada Average | 56.9 |
2009 | Canada Average | 55.7 |
2010 | Canada Average | 56.7 |
2011 | Canada Average | 55.3 |
2012 | Canada Average | 54.7 |
2013 | Canada Average | 53.9 |
2014 | Canada Average | 53.3 |
2015 | Canada Average | 53.8 |
2016 | Canada Average | 53.8 |
2017 | Canada Average | 53.6 |
2018 | Canada Average | 53.0 |
2019 | Canada Average | 53.1 |
2020 | Canada Average | 51.54386 |
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Source: Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Comprehensive Energy Use Database 2000-2020