EN12-Canadian Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Market Share

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Zero Emission Vehicle Market Share
Year Zero Emission Vehicle Market Share
2016 0.6%
2017 1.0%
2018 2.3%
2019 3.1%
2020 3.8%
2021 5.6%
2022 8.9%

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Source: S&P Global Mobility (2023). New Vehicle Registration Data for Canada - Data as of December 31, 2022. Figures and information sourced to S&P Global Mobility within this report (the 'S&P Global Mobility Materials') are the copyrighted property and of S&P Global Mobility and its subsidiaries ('S&P Global Mobility') and represent data, research, or opinions of S&P Global Mobility, and are not representations of fact. The information and opinions expressed in the S&P Global Mobility Materials are subject to change without notice and S&P Global Mobility has no duty or responsibility to update the S&P Global Mobility Materials.