EN8-Aviation Fuel Consumption, by Region of Operation

Report Section
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Region of Operation
(millions of litres)
Year Region of Operation (millions of litres)
2009 Domestic n.a.
2009 International n.a.
2009 Total 5098
2010 Domestic n.a.
2010 International n.a.
2010 Total 5659
2011 Domestic n.a.
2011 International n.a.
2011 Total 6089
2012 Domestic 2221
2012 International 4035
2012 Total 6256
2013 Domestic 2289
2013 International 4025
2013 Total 6314
2014 Domestic 2344
2014 International 4235
2014 Total 6579
2015 Domestic 2383
2015 International 4640
2015 Total 7023
2016 Domestic 2415
2016 International 5140
2106 Total 7555
2017 Domestic 2583
2017 International 5554
2017 Total 8137
2018 Domestic 2637
2018 International 5900
2018 Total 8537

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