Making prevention a priority: Developing a safety culture in Quebec's fishing industry


The project report (available only in French) was published in August 2020. The project is an initiative of the Comité permanent sur la sécurité des bateaux de pêche du Québec.

The study follows up on the findings of the Transportation Safety Board of Canada's review in 2012, and a 2017 Globe and Mail investigation that found that the fishing industry was the deadliest job sector in Canada.

The study was divided in three sections:

  • An analysis of accidents that involved fishing vessels in Quebec between 2005 and 2015;
  • A cost analysis of the job-related and most common injuries in Quebec's fishing industry;
  • A measurement and analysis of each Quebec fishing fleets' safety culture.

This project led to 11 recommendations that will help Transport Canada make decisions and develop policies in the future. This report has also given stakeholders a starting point to adjust their safety culture strategies based on the unique needs of their fleets.

This research also identified areas that need to be explored more in the future, including management, sociology and health.

If you'd like more information on the report, please contact the committee:


  • Michel Pérusse (Université de Sherbrooke)
  • Jean Cadieux (Université de Sherbrooke)
  • Martin Lebeau (IRSST)
  • Dany Dumont (UQAR-ISMER)

Collaborators and partners

  • Comité permanent sur la sécurité des bateaux de pêche du Québec
  • Transport Canada
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Canadian Coast Guard
  • Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
  • MP2B Assurance
  • Marinexpert Plus Inc.