Year | Vehicle Type | Value |
2016 | Commercial Vehicles - All buses | 31 |
2017 | Commercial Vehicles - All buses | 28 |
2018 | Commercial Vehicles - All buses | 33 |
2019 | Commercial Vehicles - All buses | 13 |
2020 | Commercial Vehicles - All buses | 21 |
2016-2020 Average | Commercial Vehicles - All buses | 25 |
2021E | Commercial Vehicles - All buses | 23 |
2016 | Commercial Vehicles - Straight trucks > 4,536 kg | 122 |
2017 | Commercial Vehicles - Straight trucks > 4,536 kg | 140 |
2018 | Commercial Vehicles - Straight trucks > 4,536 kg | 135 |
2019 | Commercial Vehicles - Straight trucks > 4,536 kg | 127 |
2020 | Commercial Vehicles - Straight trucks > 4,536 kg | 119 |
2016-2020 Average | Commercial Vehicles - Straight trucks > 4,536 kg | 129 |
2021E | Commercial Vehicles - Straight trucks > 4,536 kg | 124 |
2016 | Commercial Vehicles - Tractor-trailers | 220 |
2017 | Commercial Vehicles - Tractor-trailers | 264 |
2018 | Commercial Vehicles - Tractor-trailers | 220 |
2019 | Commercial Vehicles - Tractor-trailers | 235 |
2020 | Commercial Vehicles - Tractor-trailers | 179 |
2016-2020 Average | Commercial Vehicles - Tractor-trailers | 224 |
2021E | Commercial Vehicles - Tractor-trailers | 184 |
2016 | Total Commercial Vehicles | 373 |
2017 | Total Commercial Vehicles | 432 |
2018 | Total Commercial Vehicles | 388 |
2019 | Total Commercial Vehicles | 375 |
2020 | Total Commercial Vehicles | 319 |
2016-2020 Average | Total Commercial Vehicles | 378 |
2021E | Total Commercial Vehicles | 331 |
2016 | Non-commercial vehicles involved with NSC vehicles¹ | 374 |
2017 | Non-commercial vehicles involved with NSC vehicles¹ | 373 |
2018 | Non-commercial vehicles involved with NSC vehicles¹ | 353 |
2019 | Non-commercial vehicles involved with NSC vehicles¹ | 363 |
2020 | Non-commercial vehicles involved with NSC vehicles¹ | 286 |
2016-2020 Average | Non-commercial vehicles involved with NSC vehicles¹ | 350 |
2021E | Non-commercial vehicles involved with NSC vehicles¹ | 304 |
2016 | Total vehicles in collisions involving commercial vehicles | 747 |
2017 | Total vehicles in collisions involving commercial vehicles | 805 |
2018 | Total vehicles in collisions involving commercial vehicles | 741 |
2019 | Total vehicles in collisions involving commercial vehicles | 738 |
2020 | Total vehicles in collisions involving commercial vehicles | 605 |
2016-2020 Average | Total vehicles in collisions involving commercial vehicles | 727 |
2021E | Total vehicles in collisions involving commercial vehicles | 635 |
2016 | Total all other vehicles involved | 2,148 |
2017 | Total all other vehicles involved | 2,029 |
2018 | Total all other vehicles involved | 2,163 |
2019 | Total all other vehicles involved | 1,959 |
2020 | Total all other vehicles involved | 1,973 |
2016-2020 Average | Total all other vehicles involved | 2,054 |
2021E | Total all other vehicles involved | 2,040 |
2016 | Total of all vehicles involved | 2,895 |
2017 | Total of all vehicles involved | 2,834 |
2018 | Total of all vehicles involved | 2,904 |
2019 | Total of all vehicles involved | 2,697 |
2020 | Total of all vehicles involved | 2,578 |
2016-2020 Average | Total of all vehicles involved | 2,782 |
2021E | Total of all vehicles involved | 2,675 |
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Notes: R= Revised data. E= Estimated data. Data for Ontario and Alberta are preliminary for 2020 and 2021. Data for New Brunswick were estimated. 1 NSC = National Safety Code. Heavy vehicles are regulated by the National Safety Code and are often referred to as NSC vehicles. The NSC is a code of minimum performance standards for the safe operation of commercial vehicles, agreed to by all jurisdictions in Canada. For more information on the NSC see: Sources: Collision statistics: Transport Canada, Road Safety Programs, National Collision Database