M13-Total Tonnage Handled by Canada's Port Authorities, 2013–2022

Report Section
Marine transportation
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Metric Measured
Unit of Measurement
Year Metric Measured Quantity Unit of Measurement
2013ᴿ CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 313.8 (Millions of tonnes)
2014ᴿ CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 311.2 (Millions of tonnes)
2014ᴿ Year-to-Year Change (%) (0.8) (Percentage)
2015ᴿ CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 306.7 (Millions of tonnes)
2015ᴿ Year-to-Year Change (%) (1.4) (Percentage)
2016ᴿ CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 310.7 (Millions of tonnes)
2016ᴿ Year-to-Year Change (%) 1.3 (Percentage)
2017 CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 335.3 (Millions of tonnes)
2017 Year-to-Year Change (%) 7.9 (Percentage)
2018ᴿ CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 342.7 (Millions of tonnes)
2018ᴿ Year-to-Year Change (%) 2.2 (Percentage)
2019 CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 348.0 (Millions of tonnes)
2019 Year-to-Year Change (%) 1.5 (Percentage)
2020 CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 346.1 (Millions of tonnes)
2020 Year-to-Year Change (%) (0.5) (Percentage)
2021ᴿ CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 344.1 (Millions of tonnes)
2021ᴿ Year-to-Year Change (%) (0.6) (Percentage)
2022ᴾ CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 339.7 (Millions of tonnes)
2022ᴾ Year-to-Year Change (%) (1.3) (Percentage)
CAGR 2013-2022 (%) CPA Total Cargo Tonnage 0.9 (Percentage)

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Notes: P= Preliminary data. R=Revised data. CAGR= Compuond Annual Growth Rate. Source: Derived from Table M17.